Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Meet The Browns!!!

I can't believe our little Munchkin, Keno, Jr., is 3 months old! It seems like I was just pushing him out yesterday. Time sure flies when you're having fun. He's now starting to coo, scream and laugh A LOT more. His smile always brings a warm a fuzzy feeling to my heart. We took our first family photos this weekend and it was an adventure. The Munchkin is not to friendly with the camera, unlike his mother. I enjoy taking pictures. As a matter of fact, some of my family members tease me about always being camera ready. Keno, Sr. just goes with the flow. I prepared all of our outfits for the shoot and made sure we all matched. I thought the munchkin was going to cooperate this time around, but he did what he wanted to do. He reminds me of his Dad. :-) We were able to get a few good shots. I guess we'll have to try again the next time. Below are our family pics:

Fabulously Yours,

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