Monday, November 15, 2010

Daddy is great! He gives me Chocolate Cake!

Have you ever seen Bill Cosby's special when he talks about his children singing "Daddy is Great! He gives me Chocolate Cake"? Well, this is what my hubby was singing to the Munchkin last night as I interrupted their bonding time at 11:30 p.m.!!! Yes, 30 minutes before midnight!

Last night, the Keno watched the baby while I caught up on my "Mommy Chores"; sterilizing bottles, washing dishes, clipping coupons and watching The Real Housewives of Atlanta...OK, watching RHOA was not a part of my chores, but I decided to get it in since I had a little break. After RHOA went off, I went upstairs to check on the men of the house and to make sure the Munchkin was sound asleep. It was way past his bed time, so I just knew he was resting peacefully. Well, that's what I thought! When I walked into the room, I was in for a SURPRISE!! The Munchkin was wide awake watching the end of the Pittsburgh Steelers vs. New England Patriots game with his daddy. I could not believe it! I looked at the two of them and said, "It's Night-Night time." My husband then looked at the Munchkin and said, "Well Son, mommy has shut us down for the evening. Tell her that she's no fun and that Daddy is great, he gives me chocolate cake." I immediately remembered this quote from Bill Cosby's comedy special and laughed. It reminded me of my childhood. My Dad was a little more lenient than my mom. My mom was The Enforcer. At 5 feet 2 inches, she kept the household in check. I never thought I would say this, but I felt like her last night. After I shut down the party, I prepared the Munchkin for bed and he was asleep in 15 minutes. I guess I will be handling bedtime duty from now on.

No more chocolate cake,


  1. I'm glad I could help you take a trip down memory lane.

    P.S. It maybe no more chocolate cake, but DADDY'S STILL GREAT!!! :)

  2. That was really cute Nicole!!! Thanks for the smile!
