Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Fall Back...What Happened To My Extra Hour?!?

This weekend, time went back an hour and we were supposed to gain an extra hour of sleep. Well, where did my extra hour go ?!?! I still feel like I am sleep deprived and can't get enough of it, no matter how early I hit the sack.

Saturday evening I was so excited about time going back an hour because I just knew that I would gain an extra hour of sleep. I bathed the Munchkin and put him to sleep early and prepared myself for church on Sunday. I had to do some work from home that evening so I logged on and made my changes and sashayed off to bed a little after midnight. Although it was a little late, I didn't think twice about it because I knew I was gaining an extra hour of sleep. I couldn't wait to snooze for another hour. I guess the phrase is true, "Time flies when you're having fun" because it seemed like as soon as I put my head on the pillow, it was time for me to get up! WHAT?!?! WAIT A MINUTE?!?! HOLD ON?!?!? What happened to my extra hour?!?! My cell phone could not be reading the correct time! I thought maybe I need to power it on and off so that the new time can be set. But when I turned on the TV, I noticed that the time was correct and it was time for me to get up and start my morning. As I sat on the side of the bed, I just shook my head and thanked God for another day and the extra hour of sleep, that I felt like I didn't get it. It was time for me to start my day. I guess I'll figure out where my extra hour went to someday. Maybe I'll never find it and before I know it I'll will be time to Spring Forward. Yup! Time will spring forward an hour and I will lose that hour of sleep that I thought I gained. I guess this saying is true too, "You can't miss something that you never had."
Still searching for my extra hour,

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