Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Is His Grace Really Sufficient?!?

Each day I receive an inspiration message from Joel Osteen Ministries His messages are very inspiring and they help to jump start my day. Today his message is about God's Grace. I decided to share it with everyone on my blog because sometimes we forget that God's Grace is sufficient and it's His free gift to us. No matter how bad we think we messed up, God's grace is always there.
Increase of Grace

“...But where sin increased, grace increased all the more”
(Romans 5:20, NIV)

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
So many people today live in guilt and condemnation over their past mistakes and wrongdoings. They have this attitude that they are too far gone or they’ve made too many mistakes. They think that if they walk into church, the roof will cave in. Friend, if that’s you, nothing could be further from the truth! It doesn’t matter what you’ve done, it doesn’t matter where you’ve been; God’s grace is enough. Scripture says that we are saved “by faith through grace.” Grace is His unmerited favor upon you. You can’t earn it no matter how “good” you act, but He’s offering it to you as a free gift. His grace is what empowers you to change and live the life He’s called you to.

Today, don’t live another minute in regret, condemnation, heaviness or despair. Receive His grace. It’s as easy as opening your heart and inviting Him to change your life. Remember, there’s nothing you could ever do that His grace can’t bring you through. So open your heart to Him and receive it today!

Father God, thank You for Your grace upon my life. Thank You for receiving me no matter what I’ve done. I receive Your love and forgiveness. I commit myself to You today and all the days of my life. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Thank God for His Grace!!!

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