Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Life of a Divine Mother

I'M A MOMMY NOW!!!!!!...On, July 18, 2010 at 4:02 p.m., Keno and I welcomed our new baby boy, Keno J. Brown, Jr., to the world. Baby Brown, as he was affectionately called throughout the pregnancy, weighed 8lbs. 1oz and was 20 1/4 inches long. My pregnancy was a wonderful experience. We found out we were expecting November 17, 2009. Keno and I were EXTREMELY excited when the pregnancy test results came back POSITIVE. We could barely hold back our joy. We couldn't wait to tell our parents but decided to hold off for a few days just to make sure this pregnancy was legit. After our first official prenatal appointment we broke the news to our parents that they were going to be Grandparents. We then decided to tell our families on Thanksgiving Day. What a wonderful Thanksgiving Gift this was to the family. The holiday season is a little rough for us. We lost my Aunt Francine a few years ago on Thanksgiving Day and we lost Keno's grandmother 2 weeks before Thanksgiving. We knew that the announcement of our pregnancy would bring overwhelming joy to both families and it did! Both families immediately fell in love with Baby Brown. As the months passed, we begin to prepare ourselves for the birth of our son. We de-cluttered our home, cleaned, painted and started putting together baby furniture. Keno did most of the work while I supervised. :-) On Saturday, July 17, 2010, we finished touching up the last bit of home improvements on the house. I was extremely tired and ready for Baby Brown to make his debut. On that Sunday, July 18, 2010, I woke up with intense cramping. I didn't think I was in labor because I was still 10 days away from my due date. After an hour, we finally realized that I was in labor and Baby Brown was getting ready to make his GRAND ENTRANCE. We immediately called the doctor and our family members and made our way to the hospital. This experience was everything that I imagined. Although it took Baby Brown a few hours to come into this world, when he came, he made his presence known! What a blessing this was. Our tiny bundle of joy was finally here and ready to conquer the world.

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