Friday, May 8, 2009

Guys and Dolls Pageant

Last night I served as Pageant Coordinator for the Women's Auxiliary of the United Baptist Missionary Convention of Maryland Guys and Dolls Pageant. This pageant benefits the Mae C. Barnes Scholarship, which is awarded to at least seven college students each year. I had the privilege of serving as Pageant Coordinator for the past four years and this was my final year. It was truly an honor serving in this position. I had the opportunity to meet several educated and talented young people who are in love with the Lord and who strive to please Him everyday. This year there were seven contestants who participated in the pageant and showcased their talent. Some sang, some danced, some recited poetry and another rapped about the story of Job. It was such a blessing to be around these bright and talented young people. Lets continue to encourage them, uplift them and most of all pray for them. Pray that God will protect them from the hand of the enemy and that they may continue to stay on God's straight and narrow path.

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