Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Quest to find GOOD Diapers...

Our little Munchkin is now 8 months old and the quest to find the perfect pamper for him has finally ended!!! When he was first born, we used the Pampers Brand. We received a few free packs from the hospital and we had received several packs from our Baby Shower. Once we ran out of the Pampers Brand, we started using Huggies because we were also blessed with a few boxes of Huggies. Once we started using the Huggies Brand, we immediately noticed that the Munchkin was having leakage and his blow outs could not be contained. So, we decided to try the Babies R' Us Brand of diapers and they worked out fine for a few weeks, but we noticed that the Munchkin was waking up in the middle of the night completely soaked. We were running through sleepers like we were going through diapers. By this time, Keno and I were both frustrated. So after talking to my Mom and Aunt, they suggested that we buy the plastic underwear to put on the Munchkin at night when he's sleep. We listened to their suggestion and did what they said and that worked out pretty well. But we still felt like no diaper should be leaking like this.

One day while walking through Sam's Club, we noticed that they had a brand of diapers called Member's Mark. Keno suggested that we give them a try since everything else had not been working. I immediately gave him the side eye and then thought about all the trouble the other brands gave us, so I turned that side eye into a Kanye Shrug and said, "OK!". Now, these diapers are a little cheaper than Pampers and Huggies so I really didn't expect for them to work....Well let me tell you!!!!!! These are the BEST diapers by far!!!! The Munchkin has not leaked since we started using them and they can contain his major Blow Outs!! Keno and I are both highly impressed with this Member's Mark! 8 months ago you couldn't have paid me to use Member's Mark brand diapers. It had to either be Pampers or Huggies. I'm so glad that Keno suggested them. The Munchkin is no longer waking up in the middle of the night completely soaked and we have more money to put towards his Education Fund.

1 comment:

  1. Thank Nicole for the suggestion. I am going to try these.

